How to refresh your design spirit - visit Design Inspiration

Design Inspiration, the website, has been around for a while. I was recently listening to a podcast that name-dropped this website and I checked back in and was pleasantly surprised and how it has stayed relevant with an updated user interface.

design inspiration website is a great place for refreshing your design spirit.

So why is it important to refresh your design spirit?

Refreshing is crucial after working with a company or client bound by specific requirements or limitations. Design, inherently a creative endeavor, often demands innovation and the ability to start anew. Whether it's a new product or brand requiring initial ideation, maintaining a clean and open mindset is vital. Shedding any baggage or tired ideas ensures a fresh approach.

An idea that succeeded a couple of years ago might now be outdated; societal and cultural shifts may have moved away from the foundations that once held significance. Therefore, it's essential, especially if you've been immersed in a particular industry, to break away and design for something new. This shift allows you to exercise the creative muscle and adapt to evolving trends and perspectives.